Body Detoxification – 6 Ways to Cleanse Your Body Naturally in Kanpur

Body Detoxification – 6 Ways to Cleanse Your Body Naturally in Kanpur

What is body detoxification?

Detoxification is a process that helps to remove the toxins from our body. These toxins enter our bodies because of poor lifestyles, excessive use of chemical products, and pollution. Whatever, the cause of our main concern is to remove toxins that enter our body. We are removing these toxic substances such as mercury, lead, cadmium, chromium, etc. These chemicals enter our bodies through processed foods and pollution. We have some organs that remove toxins from the body such as the liver, kidney, lungs, intestine, and skin. However some natural methods help detoxify, and we will discuss these methods.

6 Natural ways to cleanse your body Naturally:

  • Ayurvedic detox
  • Massages
  • Dietary Modification
  • Meditation
  • Sauna for detoxification

Ayurvedic Detox

As per Ayurveda, the human body is made up of 5 elements: air(Vayu), water(Jal), fire(Tej), earth(Prithvi), and space(Akash). According to Ayurveda, an unbalanced combination produces three toxins (dosas). This method removes toxins in the form of vomit, sweating, etc. These dosas are vata, kapha, and pitta.

Vata dosha: Vata dosha is based on air and space that causes dryness in the skin, bloating, and dizziness.

Kapha dosha: Kapha dosha is based on water and earth, which cause seasonal allergies, a white coating of the tongue, and over-sentimental behaviour.

Pitta dosha: Pitta dosha is based on fire and water that cause excessive acid formation, acne, and skin rashes.

According to Ayurveda, to detox your body needs to balance these elements. You can use different herbs, supplements, and different tools to start your detoxification process. Some ayurvedic treatments detox your body.

Vamana: Vomit treatment to remove Kapha dosha

According to this treatment, vomiting will help to clean your excessive Kapha dosha. Ayurvedic herbs such as Madana (Randia dumetorum), Madanphala, Licorice, and Calamus root tea. With the help of these herbs, you can induce your vomiting treatment, and remove the toxins from your body.

Virechana: Detoxification of pitta dosha

Virechnana focuses on cleaning or purgation of our body to balance pitta dosha. Ayurvedic herbs such as that are used Turmeric, Aloe vera, and Brahmi. To remove the excessive toxins.

Basti: Balancing Vata Dosha

Basti is focused on balancing the Vata dosha, the herbs used in basti treatments are Giloy, neem, Chandan, and Vasa. These herbs help to remove vata-relate


Massage has numerous benefits such as reduced fatigue, improved sleep, muscle relaxation, and reduced stress. But there are some side effects of massages such as Malaise, excessive sleeping, fatigue, and nausea. You can go for a normal massage or light massage if you don’t want to face any side effects. Massage does not directly remove toxins from the body, but it helps to promote the body’s natural detoxification process by stimulating the system and improving blood circulation.

Dietary Modification

Your body has its detoxification system to remove toxins from your body. Diet modification supports this detoxification process in your body. It includes fasting, adding supplements and nutritional juices, and removing processed foods. The benefits of dietary modifications help in resting your organs, eliminating toxins, feeling more energetic, and overall better functioning of the body. On the other hand, diet modification has some side effects also, mal-nutrients, dizziness, low energy, and low blood sugar levels. This method removes toxins in the form of urine, and stool.


Your mind is also a part of your body. It is important to detox your mind for happy well-being. Medication helps you to detoxify your mind. Practising simple yogas such as Bhastrika, Ardha Matsyendrāsana, and Ashtanga vinyasa helps in your body’s detoxification. You will get the visible results in your body and mind within 12-13 weeks. There are many benefits of meditation such as sharp focus, better control of your body and mind, reduced stress, calmness, and elimination of addictions.

Sauna for detoxification

In sauna therapy, you are going to be exposed to high room temperatures that trigger the rising body temperature which produces more sweetness. This situation starts throwing out toxins from the body. The toxins are released in the form of sweat. In the sauna detox method, it is important to know your tolerance limit. Every individual has their limit which is different from others. There are some side effects of sauna detox such as fatigue, headache, unbalanced electrolytes, nausea, etc.


In modern times, when we consume processed foods, high sugar drinks, and breathe harmful gas. It may cause various issues such as diabetes, asthma, and anxiety. So It’s important to naturally detoxify your body to happy lives. So you use methods such as ayurvedic detox, massage, dietary modification, sauna bath, etc. In India, many healthcare institutes provide body detoxification in Kanpur, Delhi, and other states. These methods have many benefits such as improper functioning organs, reduced stress, better concentration, feel more energy. Avoiding over-practicing detoxification may show some side effects.

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