Airplane Buying Guide – 10 Tips for New Buyers

Understand that buying a plane can be a nightmare, although aircraft ownership may look like a dream for the regular pilot. Purchasing an airplane may be an overwhelming task, but if you’ve got a plan and follow it, then the process can be a whole lot less intimidating. With this goal in mind, here are nine guidelines for buying a plane that will assist you in going to own you from dreaming.

There is absolutely no feeling which fits that of buying an airplane. If you’re like most pilots, then you’ve spent weeks – and perhaps years – dreaming about an ideal aircraft. You’ve probably arrived with an understanding that purchasing an airplane is not an easy undertaking. However, with the knowledge preparation and just only a bit of luck, buying a plane can be an enjoyable and pleasant experience.

To help you become a happy and savvy airplane buyer, we’ve come up with our top 9 airplane buying tips. Whether you’re guessing of buying new or used, these nuggets of wisdom will help you forage in the wilds of aircraft buying.


  1. Determine Your Budget

You’ll need to determine a budget according to your affordability and plan. The best thing to do is make a spreadsheet of your personal or utilize spending with the help of an online cost calculator. It’s notably simple to overspend, and there will be costs that Pilots Association can get a reliable cost calculator on

As you may know, the cost of aircraft is more in compression than just the purchase price of the airplane itself. You’ll need to purchase an insurance plan, hangar or tie-down rental, gas, oil, maintenance, and parts. And do not forget the accessories: engine covers and Passenger cans, may appear inexpensive, but also these costs accumulate fast.

  1. Figure Out What You Need

One of the very first factors that you’ll want to think about when purchasing an aircraft is that it may not be all your needs will be met. The rule of thumb is to have your plane do 90 percent of things you desire, and the other 10% can be found utilizing leasing. Many times, potential customers will think they need more than they are going to. Try to consider what your needs are and try to meet with those first. Everything else is an advantage.


  1. New or Used?

A decision to buy a second hand or new airplane is vital. Going used can be enticing when the price is payable in, but there are lots of advantages to purchasing new. Lower interest rates, financing, and tax benefits can all save you money in the future. The lower cost of maintenance also needs to be considered with brand new planes.


  1. Use The 90% Rule

Too many pilots fall into the trap for buying the aircraft, which may fit their hoped-for mission, not their real purpose. They understand it too late, and after the papers have been signed—that they “overbought” an aircraft that will remain underutilized. Instead, utilize the “90% rule”: Buy an aircraft that meets your initial needs 90% of the time, and rent for the other 10%. Realistically list precisely what you’ll do together with your airplane, and how often. The dollars you’ll save by purchasing the right plane can cover for a long time of”10% rentals”.

  1. Take a Test Flight

Whenever you start to check at and test-fly potential aircraft in person, it would be smart to take along an experienced aircraft maintenance engineer or A&P mechanic. They’ll be helpful when it comes to examining flying the aircraft since they know how to look for specific engine and handling characteristics. Although you can’t take a mechanic with you on the first visit, make sure you have the aircraft inspected thoroughly at with all the points before you purchase it.


  1. Don’t Get Emotionally Attached

Have you surfed the aircraft purchase sites and fallen in love with one specific airplane? Professional aircraft brokers advise that you stay disconnected from some aircraft – it’s true, that is easier said than done. Tell yourself, “It’s somebody else’s airplane” Additionally, this holds for factory-new planes. Be objective, clinical, and precise.


  1. On Demo Flights, Vigilantly Monitor Performance

That is particularly valid if investing in a new plane. Keep in mind; it’s a salesperson’s job to allow you to want the aircraft, therefore take his or her pitch. Note the power settings. After the demo pilot is demonstrating the incredible scale functionality and fuel flow, that rise speed will inevitably run you into fuel or engine life. Compare the manufacturer’s published numbers or what you see in the cockpit to the POH. Focus on cruise power settings and also precisely what speeds you see in the airplane daily. Timed speed operates between at least two checkpoints are very useful. See EGTs and fuel flows. What you are seeing is the authentic performance of that the aircraft, regardless of what the sales pitch says.


  1. Earn About Factory Incentives

Neither a magic bullet nor a simple site that may put it all together. Dealer incentives aren’t always easy to find, but the simple fact is that at this time, it is a real buyer’s market in the aircraft world. Manufacturers issue incentives to get individuals to purchase their airplanes. The key to locating these bonuses is to establish a relationship using an aircraft broker or to research individual manufacturing companies. This could mean telephone calls or Internet searches. Dealers also will probably be delighted to assist you, so do your homework before you begin shopping.

  1. Think About Its Protection

Aircraft hangars are generally called “glorified metal buildings of America” for planes. They can vary from the single garage that protects all or parts of the aircraft from the elements too complicated environmentally improved maintenance facilities in which bots employ radar-absorbing coatings. But because planes are designed to fly, it’s essential to reduce their upkeep amount of time in the hangar and optimize their accessibility.



Purchasing a plane ought not to be taken lightly, and it is a lifetime commitment. You should have an idea about what you will end up spending. When You’ve completed this, Have a look at our VREF evaluation guides that are on the Web Wise after doing all your to look at a lot higher than one airplane buyer’s guide Anything you’ve chosen, we trust you’ve got some a great time up there.

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